Summer 2010-canning

>> Thursday, June 10, 2010

Well, I have had several of you ask me to post recipes and directions on how to can/preserve your fruits and vegetables at home. If you know me, you know that I have been canning now for 6 years. My mother-in-law & I decided when I was pregnant with my oldest that we would start having a garden. She taught me how to can and has shared her recipes with me, that I will now share with you!
My goal is to put the recipes out and then have a 3 page planner that you can print off that will help you when your canning day comes. Wether or not you have your own garden is not necessary. There are plenty of farmers markets around that you can buy what your family will eat. The canning however is up to you!
The recipes are easy to follow, however if you have never canned before, I recommend you asking someone with experience to help you the first time. Especially when using a pressure canner. Also, the pressure canners are quite expensive, so I also recommend asking around your family to see if there is one that is not being used anymore. If it is an older canner, beware that the pressure gauge & even the seal may be bad and need replacing. Look for the owners manual or download one online to help you with replacing the parts!
Otherwise you can buy a waterbath canner at Fred's for $15.00. It works just as well, but takes twice as long to process. Plus I think the shelf life of your vegetables is not as long when they have been processed in a water bath vs. a pressure canner! Some things I preserve, can be done "open kettle" meaning you don't need a canner at all!
If you get started and have any questions, feel free to contact me through email, facebook or if you have my number, call me! I'd be glad to help in any way!
So look for the recipes for canning and go ahead and give it a try! Good luck and enjoy!


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